

~Seki Show Japan Discovery Tour 2024(Solo&More)~

会場:自由が丘 HQS Live Jiyugaoka

vol.1 昭和歌謡特集(終了) 3月3日(日)

Vol.2 6月22日(日)The ロックギター with ROLLY
Sold outとなりました。当日をお楽しみください。

Vo.l.3 7月28日(日)A day at Chanson with Kaya

Vol.4 9月1日(日)ニホンのアニメ&テクノ




Vol.5 Coming soon


★6月15日(土)川崎セルビアンナイト(with 増田隆信・田中一光)
★8月24日(土)福岡Kid Rock(この日はDuoです)



※個々のCDはこちらより https://showseki.stores.jp/



Seki Show Facebook

Seki Show (関 将)


作曲家としてはナベプロ・エイベックスほか大手プロダクションのアーティスト,CM音楽など楽曲提供や、演劇ユニット宇宙食堂の舞台音楽も手掛ける。インドネシアのジャカルタ、バリ島でも現地アーティストや竹のガムラン ジェゴクなどとのコラボレーションやプロデュースも行う。
現在、リーダーグループ Sonic Cafeのほか、ジャズ、ブルース、民族音楽他を基調としたソロギターでJapanツアーを全国各地で展開中。

Show Seki /Guitar,compose,Producer
Show Seki appeared on many Recording Session in Japan and Indonesia. Especially CD of Koshi Inaba(B’z)was sold 1 million copy.
Show Seki bigan to play the guitar in junior high school and performed in several bands. After success of Koshi Inaba’s CD, Show Seki was recruited by TWINZER which was a rock group. TWINZER is famous to “Oh Shiny day”(was became to top10 song in middle of 90′)
After that 4CD of TWINZER was released,and performed around Japan as live tours.
At the same time Show Seki composed many songs for recording which was released by AVEX and nore labels.Also composed for theater,film and Music in advertising.

In Indonesia Show Seki collaborated with Suar Agung(Jegog orchestra・・・ Balinese Bamboo Gamelan)for performed on TV and recording and so on.
Show Seki composed songs for Indonesian singers and Balinese singers.
That songs were released by Warner Indonesia and local labels.

In 2007 Show Seki formed Japanese traditional music unit,and performed not only in Japan but in Bali(Bali art festival) also formed ethnic music group(Sonic Cafe) at same time.
CD of Sonic Cafe was released in 2011.

Rocka Frankenstein(Rock band) also was formed and redorded in 2012.
Other CD was released in 2015,2017.

Solo performance was started in 2011. After Japan earthquake and tsunami 2011,Show Seki started performed in all over Japan.

The contents of solo performance are Jazz,Blues,Japanese traditional song,ethnic and Gamelan also.
In a year Show Seki perfomed over 140 times.

Seki Music Office(関音楽事務所)